Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday, December 19th, 2011

Getting reading for the last week before Christmas and then Sunday is the day. It will be nice to have some of the family show up when they are through with their meetings. So Christmas is really about Christ and so we will actually go to church this year for His birthday. That will be nice.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A good Sunday...meetings were great..our poor Sunday school superintendent was short three teachers he thought until he started looking in the rooms and there were two there. He was only short one. He didn't have his own schedule and didn't know who was teaching there and I told him he had scheduled one teacher in two places. He cancelled the one class. He would rather be in St.George playing horseshoes than doing Sunday School work, but then the new stake Sunday school president didn't know what our course of study for next year is going to be so we are in a fine fix.

I get to teach on Jan. 1, 2012. I guess we will go with what is on display at the Distribution Center and start teaching the Book of Mormon.

Two sisters from our old Stake Relief Society Presidency are talking and bringing gifts so off I go tomorrow and pick up three presents. Oh well, I love to shop.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday December 16, 2011

Busy day but a good day. Christmas is almost here and we played sub for Santa tonight and it was fun. We were dressed in dark clothes, turned off the headlights on our car and quietly opened a gate and put boxes and sacks of food and even a container of money on a doorstep to help make someone else's Christmas better. Then we quietly drove off and went to a pay phone and called, disguised our voice and said to look on their front porch and Merry Christmas. Oh how I wish I had been a little mouse just to see their faces!

It is fun to be able to give to others.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

December 15, 2011

Thursday and that means two things:
hair gets done and then and then....avonex gets shot into my leg. Wow for Thursday. The gal that does my hair has the hardest time hanging onto money...she can spend it faster than I can and that is a real deal to be able to do that. She and her husband are working with a helper at the bank to try to help them manage the money, but it doesn't seem to help..he can think of more reasons to spend than she can and it just seems to be a losing battle.

I'm trying to put together another quilt, but somehow this computer keeps drawing me back to it.

To get to this blog and the connection keeps changing until I'm almost frustrated, but maybe the computer is trying to help my brain stay active and alert..I don't know.

It is foggy in Salt Lake, but clear in other areas of the state. I guess our little valley had more moisture and so the coolness just helped the fog develop.

Well, I bought my first book on Kindle and I will be more careful now as I push buttons. But at least now I have something to read on it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 14, 2011

It snowed yesterday, just enough to make it look like Christmas for a few minutes. Our neighbors on the south side of the street were blessed to shovel, but we were blessed to have ours melt.

I am quickly putting together one last quilt for a grandchild for Christmas and then throwing together a quilt from the Pic-N-Sew club.
So I am trying to stay busy with my shopping all finished.

I have started writing a Grateful book and it is fun. The challenge is on, though, when our daughter will not return our calls. Oh well this life is for challenges. Right?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 6, 2011
Tuesday and it is cold. I'm glad I live where it does warm up, but this is not one of those days. Oh well winter starts officially on the 21st and it is already too cold.
But today I bought a 6 year old a Christmas and so to go along with a story that President Monson told Sunday, I guess I have a few pieces of wood in heaven to build my house there. He told of a man that only thought of himself on earth and when he got to heaven his mansion was a shack because he didn't send any material ahead meaning he had done no service on earth. It was a cute story. He always tells great stories.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

December 3, 2011

Christmas is wrapped up, the tree is decorated, I'm in the middle of two books and now I only have one quilt to finish so I can move the sewing machine off the table. I don't know where I will move it since my back bedroom is filled with stuff...good stuff, but stuff never the less.

We are going to have season tickets at Hale theatre next year and thanks to my good husband we will enjoy great plays. Some of them I even offered to help sing along with if they need me! LOL

Well just to put a little humor here and there and to let you know that life goes on even in my ho-hum world. But it is the best world I can think of . Just read a book that reminded me to become what I would like others to be. Since I can't change others..only me..that is what I will be working on for the next little while.